Born in a small village in the heart of St Croix, Luciano aka Lucien-N-Luciano spends his first years in Switzerland, which he departs in the summer of 1988 to follow his mothers roots to Santiago, Chile. When a small electronic scene began to rise in Chile in 1994 and at the age of 16, Luciano and other Chilean friends, Ricardo Villalobos, Dandy Jack aka Martin Schopf, Adrian Schopf organized and promoted several events in Chile. Due to the slow development of the scene in Santiago and the lack of elements that would support the scene such as music magazines and the appropriate clubs to play in, he decides to return to his native Switzerland in 2001 and expand and explore his fascination with electronic music and sound engineering. A year after, Luciano begins to travel widely playing as a DJ and live act, and ever since one can hear his melodies in clubs throughout the world. His project name Lucien-N-Luciano is used to portray the slower downbeat productions while the productions under his own name Luciano are aimed towards pleasure on the dancefloor.